Marvin's submissions tool only takes a couple of minutes, but here's an extended deep dive of the micro-steps, which will quickly become second nature (8:12):
in Avid
- Collect all of the newly imported submissions into one bin.
- Display the following columns: Name, Start, End, and Source File. Tip: Save this as a new Bin View.
- Export the bin as a TXT file (not ALE).
- In your sequence, export the subcaps of every shot id as a TXT file. Tips: If subcaps are used for non-VFX banners or slates, sub-sequence the shot id track first. Also, unless the sequence/act/reel has changed, you can reuse the same subcaps file over and over again to skip exporting a new one each time.
in Marvin
- From the home page, click on the settings icon.
- Double-check the naming conventions tab and make sure the vendor submissions settings are accurate. Tip: The shot id that you select from the sample submission filename must match your subcaps.
- Return to the home page and click the submissions button to open the import window. Select the exported TXT files for clips (step 3 above) and subcaps (step 4 above), making sure not to mix them up.
- The default frame offset is the handle length (from your user preferences) plus one to account for a slate. You can change the offset to any number and/or adjust them per-shot after import.
- Click merge, and Marvin will generate a list of every version, matched to its corresponding shot id and timecode.
- Review any red errors or yellow warnings and make adjustments as needed.
- Click the export button, select Avid EDL, and choose where the files will be saved.
Errors and Warnings: If your vendor submission settings were incorrect, or a vendor misnamed a version, you may need to select the shot id from the dropdown, which is a list of every imported subcap. Marvin also alerts you to versions that were potentially delivered short of the required frames. For additional troubleshooting assistance, reference the submissions faqs page.
If more than one version of the same shot was in the list, Marvin exports multiple EDLs because only one clip can occupy the same record timecode. Each file will include a track identifying suffix (e.g., "_V1", "_V2", or "_V3").
in Avid
- In the bin containing the submission clips, import the EDL file(s) that were exported from Marvin by right-clicking in the bin and selecting Input > Import EDL...
Example settings:
- This creates a new sequence of all offline clips that you need to relink. In the bin, select this new sequence AND all of the submission clips at the same time, right-click, and select Relink... Tip: Double-check that the relink options match the reference below.
Example settings:
- A new sequence is created with all of the clips now online. If Marvin exported multiple video tracks, repeat the above steps to import and relink each EDL.
- Open your submissions sequence in the source monitor and the current cut in the record monitor.
- Note that the submission sequences start at the timecode of the first clip, not at the start of the current cut sequence. Simply jump to that same timecode and cut them all in to an empty track.
You still have to visually check every version, but you can see how much time Marvin saved by not having to cut each shot in one-by-one, thus giving you more time to review.