Marvin Jr.'s download folder contains the following:
file/folder | purpose |
application_files folder | Marvin Jr.'s plugin file |
sample_files folder | Sample Avid project and files to test each tool |
Getting Started with Marvin Jr.pdf file | Important instructions for installing Marvin Jr. |
plugin folder
With Media Composer closed, copy the Marvin-Jr.avpi file into Avid's PanelSDKPlugins folder.
On Mac:
On Windows:
tools menu
Launch Media Composer and check the Tools menu for "Marvin Jr. by Doom Solutions" (near the bottom). If it's there, then you're all set!
However, if you don't see Marvin Jr.'s panel, then you'll need to follow the additional steps below to refresh the Tools menu.
refresh the tools menu (if needed)
NOTE — This will close all open Panel SDK panels.
Step 1 of 2
On Mac:
- Open Activity Monitor (located in Applications > Utilities folder)
- Search for "gateway"
- Select avid-api-gateway
- Press the circled-X (stop) button
- At the prompt, choose Force Quit
On Windows:
- Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc)
- Search for "gateway"
- Select avid-api-gateway.exe
- Press the End task button
Step 2 of 2
Next, in Media Composer (both Mac and Windows):
- Open the Console from the Tools menu
- Type "panelsdk reinit" (all lowercase)
- Click return/enter on the keyboard
- Marvin Jr. should then be visible in the Tools menu once you see:
"PanelSDK: Gateway service is ready."
After opening Marvin Jr. from Media Composer's Tools menu, you'll be prompted to agree to the end user license agreement (EULA). Read through the EULA, check the box, and click continue.
Finally, you'll get to the sign in page. Enter the email address and license key that were provided in your "order receipt" email, and then click check license. Upon successful activation, you'll be redirected to Marvin Jr.'s landing page.
For additional troubleshooting or questions, check out the manage software license article.