We are constantly reporting bugs to Avid and working with them to solve problems that are out of our control. Below is a list of issues that we've reported as well as their status.
issue | status |
List Tool EDL — marker timecodes are missing the leading zero | Not given a public MCCET #, but resolved after 8.3.1 |
List Tool EDL — there's an extra space at the end of each line, and lines are arbitrarily split | Not given a public MCCET #, but resolved after 8.6.1 |
List Tool XML — tab and return characters produce invalid XML | Resolved in 8.7.2 (MCCET-1569) |
List Tool XML — timecode values have a preceding space | Resolved in 8.7.2 (MCCET-1565) |
List Tool XML — handle timecodes are missing | Resolved in 8.7.2 (MCCET-1564) |
List Tool XML — markers do not display on opticals | Resolved in 8.7.2 (MCCET-1566), 8.8 (MCCET-1567, MCCET-1568), & 2018.5 (MCCET-2372) |
List Tool XML — Cutlist EndHdl timecode is short one frame | Resolved in 8.8 (MCCET-1572) |
Markers — markers containing tabs and returns produce invalid TXT and XML | Resolved in 8.9.1 (MCCET-1544) & 2018.3 (MCCET-2296) |
List Tool — the Save As location defaults to the Avid Users directory, even if it was previously changed | Resolved in 2018.3 (MCCET-2289) |
Bins — after selecting the Start/End TC columns, you're prompted to confirm changing the timecode, even though nothing changed | Resolved in 2018.3 (MCCET-2277) |
Bins — bins are not properly indexing on Macs | Resolved in 2018.7 (MCCET-2357) |
List Tool XML — handles checkbox setting is not saved | Resolved in 2018.7 (MCCET-2487) |
Timeline — audio waveforms become offset when the clip is muted and has a dissolve applied | Resolved in 2018.12.8 (MCCET-3203) |
Bins — in Frame View, enlarged thumbnails display as small thumbnails when dragged | Resolved in 2018.12.9 (MCCET-3201) |
Timeline — the JKL buttons do not work properly when playing over a timewarp effect | Resolved in 2018.12.9 (MCCET-3299) |
Bins — bin names with ampersands do not display correctly | Resolved in 2018.12.9 (MCCET-3319) |
Bins — you can't highlight clips from a bin if it had been minimized and then restored | Resolved in 2018.12.9 (MCCET-3286) |
Bins — newly created, empty bins do not save their sizing nor position when working with shared storage | Resolved in 2018.12.9 (MCCET-3304) |
Bins — minimized bins do not display correctly in the Mac Dock | Resolved in 2018.12.12 (MCCET-3277) |
Project window — the text identifying locked bins is not properly refreshing | Resolved in 2019.12 (MCCET-3108) |
Site Settings — Media Creation settings are not retained | Resolved in 2019.12.1, 2020.5 (MCCET-3227) |
List Tool EDL — markers do not display on grouped clips | Resolved in 2018.12.14, 2019.12.3, & 2020.12 (MCCET-3742) |
List Tool XML — markers do not include the name value | Awaiting fix, but Marvin's marker matching action can work around this (MCCET-4729) |
List Tool XML — the OpticalList Reel Number is empty | Awaiting fix (MCCET-4730) |
List Tool XML — an optical with a "Sequence" comment only displays in the OpticalList and not in the AssembleList | Awaiting fix (MCCET-4731) |
List Tool XML — if an optical has 2+ comments, only the first one displays in the AssembleList, but all display in the OpticalList | Awaiting fix (MCCET-4735) |
List Tool XML — if an optical has both a clip comment and a normal marker, both display in the OpticalList, but neither display in the AssembleList | Awaiting fix (MCCET-4841) |
List Tool XML — there is no parity between "Sequence" and "Locator" comments | Awaiting fix (MCCET-4732) |
Application — switching application/window focus from Media Composer requires 2 clicks | Resolved in 2022.12 (MCCET-4708) |
List Tool EDL — the File_129 format option does not correctly allocate 129 characters | Resolved in 2022.10 (MCCET-4736) |
Markers — using marker filters, batch changes/deletes are also made to unfiltered markers | Resolved in 2022.12.4 (MCCET-5005) |
Markers — error importing markers where the Name is either a number or starts with a number | Resolved in 2022.12.3 (MCCET-5012) |
Timeline — clip generators do not work over groups | Resolved in 2021.12.10 & 2022.12.5 (MCCET-5023) |
Bins — ALE imports corrupt clip metadata if the columns have long names | Resolved in 2022.12.3 (MCCET-5032) |
EDL — File_129 EDLs are truncated to 32 characters when imported into a bin | Resolved in 2022.12.4 (MCCET-5057) |
ALE — color values do not merge with master clips | Awaiting fix (MCCET-5085) |
EDL — import EDL and relink settings do not save | Awaiting number |
Bins — ALE imports fail if the column name is in all CAPS | Awaiting fix (MCCET-5114) |
Bins — regression: comments cannot be added to sequences | Resolved in 2023.8 (MCCET-5159) |
Bins — unable to enter more than 15 characters for custom column name | Resolved in 2024.2 (MCCET-5197) |
Timeline — hidden tracks react differently with certain timeline commands | Awaiting fix (MCCET-5357) |
Tools — tooltips missing from Batch Subclip Tool | Resolved in 2024.2 (MCCET-5431) |
Bins — ALE imports with columns longer than 255 characters resulted in a crash | Resolved in 2024.2 (MCCET-5433) |
Markers — markers exported from 2024.6 include inconsistent colors | Awaiting number |
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