Why are my shot ids and descriptions all wrong?
Why can't I export a SubCap file from Marvin?
Why won't Avid import my SubCap file?
What is a parsing error?
If you receive any kind of “parsing error,” try the following steps to resolve it. First, make sure you selected the correct file. Avid's marker XML files are formatted differently than XML files exported from the List Tool. If it's the right file, double check that your data and file name do not contain any weird or special characters. Sometimes, simply closing and reopening Marvin provides a quick fix.
If the problem persists, send the file and corresponding Avid bin to Doom Support for further testing.
Why are my shot ids and descriptions all wrong?
If the shot id and description fields do not look to be correctly separated, you may need to change the selected delimiter prior to import. Click Home and try another setting. Ensure that your markers are uniformly named.
Why am I missing shots?
If it looks like some of your markers did not import, check that you committed multicam edits on the sequence. In older versions of Media Composer, markers did not display on groups in an EDL. After many years, we finally convinced Avid to fix this bug!
Another reason your markers might not display is if they are not on any kind of clip. Using the recommended EDL settings, each marker must be on a clip or title and not just in timeline filler (blank space). If you prefer placing markers in filler, then you must add the List Tool setting that includes Black Edits, which will then display the markers in the EDL.
Why can't I export a SubCap file from Marvin?
If you receive an error regarding “Duplicate Sequence TC,” you will be unable to export a SubCap file. The duplicated timecodes will be highlighted in red and should either be changed or deleted. This generally occurs when there are multiple markers on a single clip.
Why won't Avid import my TXT SubCap file?
If Avid won't allow you to select the TXT file, you may need to change the “Files of type” dropdown list to “Avid DS Caption File (*.txt).”
Alternatively, if an imported SubCap file doesn't do anything, there is likely either duplicate or overlapping timecodes. This generally occurs when there are multiple markers on a single clip or when multiple video tracks were selected.
Check that your settings are correct and try again. Additionally, do a visual inspection of the SubCap file for incorrect timecodes.